EOSCommunity.org Forums

Want to join the Eden Genesis Community? Introduce Yourself to the Community HERE!

I John, joining Eden is a manual process and I am certain people will help you join. Thanks for your interest. Have you read my book?

Wow! Thank you for the response! I have not yet read your book and would very much like to read it. Is there a link handy that you could share so I can order it? I have been following your recent amazing work as the catalyst of giving people hope that they control their own destiny and it is gaining momentum! So, so far in the short time I’ve been in crypto, I have spent the most time following you and watching your you tube videos. I would very much like to buy your book and then share what I learn with my students

Hello Dan, I just downloaded your book and will read it immediately. Thank you

I have not been invited to Eden but very much look forward to being considered.

My names Gary better know on social as EOS to $1000. Iv been invested in EOS for awhile and love the project but since joining telegram and twitter it became evident there are people in the community deliberately harming the EOS brand. I decided to take some action and started The EOS Shill Army group which has a strict zero tolerance policy towards negativity. Its mission is to help promote EOS on social media and fight the fud together as an army of like minded EOS supporters. The EOS Shill Army was the precursor to the EOS Bees, which I am also a member.

  • I heard about Eden from following Dan on twitter and was particularly impressed by his interview with Mike Maloney.

  • I like the idea of fractol democracy with random political playoffs over standard democracy which is open to corruption.

  • I want to be a member to help strengthen the EdenOnEOS community for the betterment of EOS. Id suggest funding for the most important projects for EOS such as EOS Support and EOS Bees.

*Telegram username: EOS to $1000


I discovered Eden from my girlfriend who recommended I read the book, “More Equal Animals” by Dan Larimer on April 4th, 2021. I was intrigued by the main edicts of both the book and EOS as a way to deal with our modern form of tribalism in a technological manner. The first step to moving forward starts with our-self. Becoming a member is my first step in this journey. I’m going to bring awareness to the community and If I were an elected Eden Genesis representative I’d undertake advertising and PR campaigns as a way to bring awareness and generate new members to expand our community base.

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Hello! I recently discovered Eden from Luke Stokes. After reading the Eden Peace Treaty and researching more, I’m excited to contribute to this project. I just downloaded “More Equal Animals” by Dan Larimer, and am excited to dive in. I have passion for blockchain, and looking for more ways to contribute to this much needed movement both for the world, and my own growth as an individual.

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Hello Community, my name is Bret, aka R. Bretminster Fullofit. It’s all ways nice to be among pioneers, trailblazers and spirit-motivated social activists.

  • Tell us how you found out about eden?
    At some point a few months ago, I came across a video on Facebook, I cannot recall who had shared it. My interest was peaked and then life took me in other directions. Last week, a friend of mine who participates in the Eden community ([see article here](A DAC model for high performers to replicate themselves | PeakD if you want.) posted an article that peaked my intertest and that has led me here today to seek membership.

  • What is it about the community’s vision/values/ideas attracted you?
    I was attracted to and resonant with Luke’s intentions in his article. As a catalyzing point now. Previously and ongoing, I am a proponent of using biomimicry and fractal perception to design new social architectures and operating systems. I have been involved for nearly 9 years in R&D&E (e= embodiment) in self-organization, co~creation, new economics, conscious evolution and sociotechnologies, etc. So, I love to participate in and learn from any advanced experiments and implementations of new governance systems and social coherence.

  • Why do you want to become a member?
    Building on my last answer, I would like to become a member (1) because I love to personally eXperience and take part in new systems; to learn, as a journalist to report to the larger networks I am part of, and because I have a lot of experience over the years to share which I have to believe would be a valuable contribution to the community here and (2) becoming a member of the community is part of the gamified process I am part of in being part of Luke’s vision.

  • In what way do you see yourself contributing to the community?
    I have extensive experience, as aforementioned, in new paradigm community building, visioneering, fractal implementation of biomimetic principles, co~creation and conscious evolution etc. – I will be able to easily fit and bring my extensive (and broad) neo-generalist wisdom and knowledge to the community. I am a trusted source of praxis and research in my communities and networks so I am a great advocate and ambassador for things I love and appreciate.

  • If you were to become an elected Eden Genesis representative with a budget, how would you spend that budget?
    If I understand correctly, at the present time, I would spend the budget in accordance with the expectations and shared intentions of those I represent.

  • Please provide your Telegram username so that Eden members can contact you to learn more.
    Telegram: Contact @spiritualphilanthropist

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Hello! I wanted to update my Eden introduction to better follow the format laid out.

  • Tell us how you found out about eden?
    I first heard about Eden from Luke Stokes for the Stoked Contingent project.

  • What is it about the community’s vision/values/ideas attracted you?
    After my first discussion with Luke and reading his posts on PeakD, I was attracted to the idea and more of the personal mind frame of Voluntaryism. I can say that already helped me on a personal level in how I interact with others. This continues to resonate with me on a larger social level and the idea that “All power comes from Consent”.

  • Why do you want to become a member?
    Growth. On an individual level, not only for networking and building relationships but to challenge myself and explore new ideas that resonate and impact my way of thinking over time, and from there outward on a more social or professional level.

  • In what way do you see yourself contributing to the community?
    Passion, dedication, and commitment. I love technology and blockchain, in general. While I’m not a developer, I have a background in sales and business development and this is where I think I can be the most beneficial but am also open to technical training in any areas I can add value.

  • If you were to become an elected Eden Genesis representative with a budget, how would you spend that budget?
    I’ll most likely develop these ideas in more detail with more exposure but at first glance, I would like to see more development to make EOS adoption and onboarding easier for those that are non-technical. As blockchain becomes mainstream. Siting the law of diffusion of innovation, I believe we’re still in the Innovator to Early Adopter stages. To get over the chasm and hit critical mass, we’ll need tools and processes that the Early Majority can use and feel comfortable implementing.

  • Please provide your Telegram username so that Eden members can contact you to learn more.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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I’m Yoditar, a member of EOS Spanish Community for a little more than two years. I’m currently part of the EOS Market Place and Sense Chat team. I just joined the EOS Spanish Bees team as a Bee Scout.

Tell us how you found out about eden?

I knew about Eden EOS since its creation by the EOS community.

What is it about the community’s vision/values/ideas attracted you?

What attracts me to the community’s vision is their ability to organize around a governance project that allows to create a new form of decentralized digital economy using blockchain as technology and philosophy.

Why do you want to become a member?

I want to become a member to contribute in building a new governance model using blockchain technology to help positively impact as many people in the Spanish EOS community as possible.

In what way do you see yourself contributing to the community?

I consider that I can offer my contributions to the community from the projects in which I collaborate as EOS Market Place and EOS Bees, but also from other projects in which I can participate in the future.

If you were to become an elected Eden Genesis representative with a budget, how would you spend that budget?

I would spend the budget on promoting the adoption of EOS in the Spanish community to help implement EOS technology in Latin America.

My Telegram username: @Yoditar

Thank you!


Hello, I am Verónica Díaz (Creamy Vanilla.) I am Venezuelan and currently I am the owner and creator of Creamy Vanilla, a store in development of smoothies here in Venezuela, I created my small business through EOS, last year, I started from 0 and everything I have I have bought it with EOS, I acquired EOS as a cryptocurrency for EOS MicroLoan, but it became more than EOS, a few months ago I found out about the launch of Eden On EOS through the EOS MicroLoan ambassador in my city Juan Hernández, he explained to me and I was interested but I did not dare since he did not speak English very well. He considered that from Eden, this ecosystem has emerged more, has advanced and is being larger. Eden’s ideas have led EOS to grow and to feel identified in this Great community. I am committed to making use of my networks and everything in my power to make Eden EOS being the first Cryptos governance, I went far, from demonstrating the transparency and decentralization of EOS, to understanding that EOS has the best ecosystem in the world. If he were an elected representative of Eden he would certainly use that money to create a subscription video calling platform on EOS. So many problems that people in Latin America have with zoom, it can help us for studies and development. My expectations about Eden have been exceeded I hope and everyone likes me to be here. I would like to talk to @Gonflosca or @Bucanerocuba they are great people within Eden.

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  • Tell us how you found out about eden?
    Got to know via Twitter.

  • What is it about the community’s vision/values/ideas attracted you?
    It’s intriguing to know that what I’ve felt so far in life about how a true democracy should be (always believed why do we really need a govt! when (going back to the basics) the democracy as once said, “of the people by the people for the people.” The centralization in the disguise of democracy must go for a truly progressive society for all to p

The vision about giving power back to the people is very powerful.

  • Why do you want to become a member?
    to be part of this movement for betterment of my next generation and generations to come after.

  • In what way do you see yourself contributing to the community?
    To be honest I really don’t know what I can contribute at this time, maybe I can play a part as ambassador in local circles of friends and families to promote the idea. At some point I’d also like to be part of the dev team.

  • If you were to become an elected Eden Genesis representative with a budget, how would you spend that budget?
    I guess I will have the freedom to spend the way I would want to :slight_smile: … I’d like to give back to the community specially for underprivileged who at this point in time need the most help. (e.g. I think with the whole crypto movement which is futuristic, a whole generation of old and poor are getting left out, decentralization of the $$ must serve the purpose of truly getting rid of centralization)

  • Please provide your Telegram username so that Eden members can contact you to learn more.

Greetings to everyone!

I’m paragism and I’ve been a user of several EOS applications for years. I came to the world of cryptocurrency in 2016 and I use various blockchains for research purposes. I came to know about the Eden community some months back from the Voice platform.

Consensus building is a challenging task in democracy as we keep on seeing divisive politics only. Achieving fairness and true participation is still a distant dream in any traditional democratic structure. Obviously, governance go for a toss in that case! Blockchain technology has shown that a fairer consensus model can exist within an independent system but how to improve that further? Coin voting has its own flaws again! The minority shouldn’t be suppressed by the majority in an ideal democratic model. I found Daniel Larimer’s ‘More Equal Animals’ interesting as it raised true issues and tried to address them.

I believe EdenOS is a community of active members who are enthusiastic to achieve a superior governance structure. The movement has just started and it’ll be an honour to be part of it.

I’m a professional writer who writes on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Here you can find my recent writeups: Paragism on Substack

As of now, I’m looking for membership in the Eden community and I may want to obtain a suitable role once I’m into it. With my crypto research background, I can take different responsibilities. I’ve been an advocate of decentralization and blockchain technology for a long time. This time, I want to stand for another cause.

Kindly consider my request to join the community. My Telegram @Paragism

Tell us how you found out about eden?
I been hearing about Eden from many different EOS news sources!

What is it about the community’s vision/values/ideas attracted you?
Transparency equality and mutually beneficial cooperation
• Why do you want to become a member?
Because I’ve been involved with EOS since it’s inception!
• In what way do you see yourself contributing to the community?
Experience dealing with blockchain users!
If you were to become an elected Eden Genesis representative with a budget, how would you spend that budget?

Yet to be determined

•	**Please provide your Telegram username so that Eden members can contact you to learn more.**


  • Tell us how you found out about eden?
    Got to know via Twitter.

  • What is it about the community’s vision/values/ideas attracted you?
    It’s intriguing to know that what I’ve felt so far in life about how a true democracy should be (always believed why do we really need a government! when (going back to the basics) the democracy as once said, “of the people by the people for the people.” The tyranny in the disguise of democracy must go for a truly progressive society for all to p

The vision about giving power back to the people is very powerful.

  • Why do you want to become a member?
    to be part of this movement for betterment of my next generation and generations to come after.

  • In what way do you see yourself contributing to the community?
    To be honest I really don’t know what I can contribute at this time, maybe I can play a part as ambassador in local circles of friends and families to promote the idea. At some point I’d also like to be part of the dev team.

  • If you were to become an elected Eden Genesis representative with a budget, how would you spend that budget?
    I guess I will have the freedom to spend the way I would want to :slight_smile: … I’d like to give back to the community specially for underprivileged who at this point in time need the most help. (e.g. I think with the whole crypto movement which is futuristic, a whole generation of old and poor are getting left out, decentralization of the $$ must serve the purpose of truly getting rid of centralized tyranny)

  • Please provide your Telegram username so that Eden members can contact you to learn more.

  • Tell us how you found out about eden?

I have been following Dan Larimer and his journey and have been following from the beginning.

  • What is it about the community’s vision/values/ideas attracted you?

Empowering EOS to be independent and break from its past is in my opinion the most important task right now for the EOS network. Eden will has an important role to play in the future of EOS.

  • Why do you want to become a member?

I want to contribute to the EOS network and help make it the best community and financial ecosystem in the world.

  • In what way do you see yourself contributing to the community?

I am a smartcontract developer and lover of everything DeFi. I see myself as someone who could rally a community to get behind an idea as well as do the work to make it a reality.

  • If you were to become an elected Eden Genesis representative with a budget, how would you spend that budget?

If given a budget, I would dedicate my time to creating innovative, open source DeFi DApps (specifically the smartcontracts). I would most likely run with a proposal in mind or else vote for others with similar values and goals.

  • Please provide your Telegram username so that Eden members can contact you to learn more.

Username: @ddcsov
DDC | SOV | btcminer.one

Greetings, here is my presentation to the community about my induction to EDEN.

Hi my name is Chris Makau, I was introduced to EOS by my friend Zach and I have learned Eden’s aim, I have also understood Eden’s transformative governance and creating relationships.

My goal in EOS would be to introduce and bring on-board new members especially in Kenya and across East Africa. I aim to grow through Eden.

Welcome, Chris! Thanks for posting this. Lets see if we can get someone to induct you :slight_smile:

  • Tell us how you found out about eden?
    Got to know via Twitter.

  • What is it about the community’s vision/values/ideas attracted you?
    It’s intriguing to know that what I’ve felt so far in life about how a true democracy should be (always believed why do we really need a government! when (going back to the basics) the democracy as once said, “of the people by the people for the people.” The tyranny in the disguise of democracy must go for a truly progressive society for all to p

The vision about giving power back to the people is very powerful.

  • Why do you want to become a member?
    to be part of this movement for betterment of my next generation and generations to come after.

  • In what way do you see yourself contributing to the community?
    To be honest I really don’t know what I can contribute at this time, maybe I can play a part as ambassador in local circles of friends and families to promote the idea. At some point I’d also like to be part of the dev team.

  • If you were to become an elected Eden Genesis representative with a budget, how would you spend that budget?
    I guess I will have the freedom to spend the way I would want to :slight_smile: … I’d like to give back to the community specially for underprivileged who at this point in time need the most help. (e.g. I think with the whole crypto movement which is futuristic, a whole generation of old and poor are getting left out, decentralization of the $$ must serve the purpose of truly getting rid of centralized tyranny)

  • Please provide your Telegram username so that Eden members can contact you to learn more.