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Unable to unstake eos

I’m unable to remove voter proxy (error cpu billing) and unable to unstake any of my eos. I need help.

To this url eospowerup.io input your eos account get free cpu&net

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I’m going down a rabbit hole here. I can’t get my account name in without logging to something else that I don’t know about. I need very simple advise.

sorry my english is poor . What do you know? If you know the public key, bloks.io query your eos account .

Thank you anyway tianqb

If you have your private key(owner key or activate key), there is a simple method – try to import your account to a pocket app on your phone, such as Start pocket, tokenpocket and then unstake your eos. If you are out of resources (CPU or NET), try the POWERUP or to obtain free resources from the pocket apps.

Thank you Chris, I’ll try that.

What wallet are you using?

If you’re using Anchor, try upgrading. Click the “Help” menu and then “Check for Updates”. The newer versions will cover these costs for you

Hey Chris, Sorry about the delay. I just tried to download tokenpocket but my phone refused to run it, so now I have an official eos wallet but it seems I can only send and receive. No options for using owner or activate key. My computer has EOS-VOTER - 0.6.3. I unstaked 500 eos last week, waited 3 days, then moved them out of the wallet no problem. Now I still have 500 eos just sitting there that I’m unable to unstake, even in small increments. I read that I should remove my proxy votes which should free them up, but I’m even unable to do that. This is immensely frustrating and involves too much money. I’m at a loss.

My wallet is my computer from many years ago and I don’t recall any specific name for it. At the very top-left of the screen is EOS-VOTER - 0.6.3 then just under is file view help, (all not helpful) then under that is my name (?) gu3dcncshege@owner, then under my name is Block Height 178446499, then under that is eos.greymass.com. This is all within the top 2 inches of the page.

eos.greymass.com seems like a closed down site

This is an API server, and it’s operational.

This is your account name.

This old wallet is probably the source of your problems. EOS-VOTER was retired and replaced with Anchor, our newer wallet, which has a lot of new features including managing CPU (which is the error you originally mentioned).

I’d recommend upgrading your wallet as the first step in gaining access to your tokens. The easiest way to do this would be to simply install Anchor and then import your private keys while you’re setting up a new wallet. Your old account will import and you should be able to unstake and transfer like you’re trying to do.

Anchor can be downloaded from here:


If you don’t have your private keys saved anywhere besides EOS-VOTER, you should be able to export them from the Manage Wallets section.

Thank you. I will now be making a donation to eos power up link you sent. You are a godsend. I have a trezor wallet and could not power up or borrow from REX. ugh. thank you!

Did you find your answer? I used the donations to power up as I could not buy from rex with trezor. it was so hard to navigate. May have to change wallets. will be donating to whoever just donated me CPU