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Unable to unstake EOS tokens

Hello community,

guess I tried almost all the ways that came up to my mind of trying to unstake my EOS tokens, but nothing helped - it just keep showing errors.
Maybe anyone has faced similar problem with such message and knows how to solve it? I put in all the necessary Keys for this account, but I’m still not able to unstake any tokes, although long time ago I somehow managed to stake them.
I would be extremely grateful for any help

It looks like you used the “Manual Import” process and input the data incorrectly.

The permission field should not be your account name, it’s “active” typically.

I’d recommend that you remove the account from Anchor and then reimport it again, except this time don’t use the manual import option. Use the “Import via Private Key” method and it’ll set it up for you correctly.

@aaron , biggest thanks! :pray: Seems it really helped and tokens finally appeared in “Refunding” :partying_face: what a relief… :smiley: