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Is it possible to use EOS chestahedron for NFT art without violating Copyright?

Is it possible to use EOS chestahedron for NFT art without violating Copyright?

Hey Hila.
I think it’s best to specify a bit
The Geometric Object called Chestahedron you can use, that’s for sure.
There’s also this one, the wireframe version of the Chestahedron:

This can be used as well. I think Block.one protected it, but the community can use it.

Last, there is the abstracted Chestahedron, the eosio Logo, which you can find on the eos.io website. This can’t be used as it is trademarked.

Hope this info helps you.

Looking forward to seeing some more EOS NFTs.


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Thank you for your answer Marty, Ill drop a link to the NFT when i will design it!
I want to use this Logo EOSBrand/Chestahedron-Fat-Black.svg at master · Designsufi/EOSBrand · GitHub

That should be fine. We used it for some of our NFTs and had no issues.