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ERC 20 EOS -> EOS / genesis status doesn't change from registered to fallback

Hi everyone,

Apologies if this sounds really simple, I believe I got my head around this but not sure.

I registered my ETH account with EOS main net last year however only used some of the EOS tokens to be staked/traded on EOSmainnet and left the remaining tokens in my MEW wallet (I know…use your fav word!).
In simple terms, some of the ERC 20 EOS is in my MEW (my ether wallet).

Some of the closest options now I saw are:
Fallback method
claim back ERC 20 to EOS mainnet

However, they appear to work with unregistered accounts only. When i got to eos account - genesis tab - it shows status as ‘registered’ not fallback (assuming it’s possible for fallback accounts to transfer MEW to EOS wallets).

All I am looking for is a possibility to get ERC 20 EOS to EOS wallet (could be new wallet or existing one) Is there any way out of this?

Many thanks.


bump Has anyone got any solution here? Thanks in advance.

The ERC20 tokens are superfluous now and there’s no way of only using some of your EOS tokens to be staked/traded on EOS mainnet. You’re full EOS balance would be on that Genesis account.

Do you have access to this account still?

Thanks. yes, I have access to Genesis account and the amount of tokens it shows are in ERC 20 MEW.

You would be moving the Eos from Erc20 Network to the Mainnet