EOSCommunity.org Forums

EOSIO Foundation members soft launch and governance discussion

To all EOS Community members,

On Saturday March 20 8:00 am PT / 11:00 am ET / 4:00 pm UTC time EOSIO Foundation will host a segment at DACATHONgaming. This includes an exclusive introduction of the initial strategy for the EOSIO Foundation along with feedback and more general governance discussion.

If you have any questions or topic suggestions for discussion at the event please feel free to post them in the reply and we will answer as many as possible during or following the event.

More details and full schedule for DACATHONgaming can be found in the DACATHON Telegram Group Telegram: Contact @dacathon or visit the website https://www.dacathon.com/

EOSIO Foundation
Open-Source, Blockchan Collaboration


Good job.
Will B1 come in?

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EOS foundation needs to strongly support the development of community and promote the development of EOS public chain, just like eth`

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