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Eos-voter-0.4.1 greymess wallet sending token to Binance failed

So long as your keys are safe, there shouldn’t be any risk to keeping them unstaked.

Hi guys, I’m having the same issue. Eos Voter wallet, I unstaked my eos doing a free CPU topup but now I cannot transfer them out of the wallet. I would have imported the private keys into anchor wallet but I can’t find them anymore.
Any solution?

Getting a CPU error? You can use one of those free CPU services again to perform the transfer. Those services only add CPU to your account for 24 hours right now.

Thanks for the quick answer. I have done that and I was able to unstake them. The problem is the following.

Sorry for the quality , it’s an old laptop.

Which version are you using? It’s possible that it’s so old it can’t access the network anymore. If that’s the case, I actually just replied to someone on Github with upgrade instructions that might help you as well:

I was using the version 0.5.1, I thought was the last one for the Voter, I have done the manual update and worked.

Thank you legend :slight_smile:

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