EOSCommunity.org Forums

EOS Community Governance Proposal Draft

I agree. We want it to be as simple as possible but not too simple.

A bonding requirement could be too big a barrier

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This is a great start to EOS Governance and an excellent foundation to build upon. It may be useful to develop this model in stages. The first stage being the core components, with the detailed gaming and approval of the elements in a series of governance development approvals using this governance model.

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The argument I am making is more objective and borderless. Introducing politics brings in a lot of bias and personal opinions, but for the sake of discussion:

1- My original statement was, if your initial sample of community members are Democrats (or Conservatives), the growing community, which expands through invites of oneā€™s network, will be biased towards that group. It will take a long time before there is equilibrium. This is because people generally socialize with others who tend to agree with them.

2- To your point, should everyone vote in US elections? Constitutions and laws prevent that from happening obviously. BUT, think of how many individuals and institutions were following the US elections. Why? because the US is the most powerful country with foreign affairs that impact the citizens of other countries, whether directly or indirectly. So in theory and in an ideal world free of politics, if the decisions you make impact my welfare, shouldnā€™t I have a vote in that? The only reason this doesnā€™t happen legally in politics is due to constitutions, but we have all heard how other countries and external parties try to interfere in elections because they are impacted by it and have a stake in the outcome.

Nevertheless, if your aim is to build a community, that is not limitless and has borders, then by all means you can put a restriction on the identity of individuals, whether citizenship, gender, race, etcā€¦ you name it. In that respect, I believe that crypto is more on the libertarian spectrum rather than something that is governed by constitutional laws.

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I get your point here. But I come from a country where there has been somewhat of a perpetual political impasse, and this has in no way helped the community. Some people would rather burn the whole country down than hurt their ego or own pockets.


Agree. Keep it simple to start.


This is a feature, not a bug. Create two community and then create a higher level governance on top.

This is an argument for one word government. If you read my book then you can see the solution is a democracy of democracies of democracies, not a single layer that includes everyone.


Iā€™m sure these methods have the potential to provide great value to this community and many others.

Iā€™m concerned about the cart before the horse. How can we be sure the individual members can accept each method presented in this process? Are we able to accurately evaluate if these actions will be engaging enough for members and prospective members?

Itā€™s common to see the loudest and wealthiest voices guiding the process of community tool creation. How do we keep ineffective leaders from building community tools?
Iā€™m sure we all have known terrible bosses, how they have the workers to build for them specifically, and not what the community actually can accept and/or need. I think many of us need to build tools even at a loss knowing at the minimum it will be used and valued by the community.

I think this proposal would be best executed incrementally through a game-style interface to reinforce community engagement. Have levels, rewards, NFTs. Each method should be offered, built then unlocked as itā€™s needed and earned by the community.

Books in the mail, reading it asap!

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Bonding requirements could be handled at lower levels. Letā€™s let the local groups police themselves and higher level groups could police things if a lower level group becomes suspect.

Iā€™ve read the book. Iā€™m a genesis account holder. I still have at least 10 EOS ;). Iā€™m willing to volunteer some of my time and energy to help see this become a reality. Please consider me when the invites start happening.


Thanks for the reply :blush: I guess weā€™ll just wait and see then.

Bring it to table Danā€¦Iā€™m genesis eos token holderā€¦i support you Dan Larimer

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Here are some concerns:

  1. About member invitation process. As the community grows, it may not be as effective as the beginning. The larger the community is, the harder it is to know each one who want to join in. Members accepted him/her will always be his/her friends, and the selected member official doesnā€™t always have time or resource to dig in him/her. I think finally the community composition would be approximating the culture of the general people.
  2. Closely related to the first question is that the community will want to be large and strong. So the community will tend to accept as many members as possible until it feels enough. How can we strictly choose members with the purpose that we need to grow strong?
  3. If we want need to find balance between the scale of the community and quality, the community would grow slowly. As the funds totally come from its members(with 10 EOS each person), the community will be very weak for a long time.
  4. About the election, itā€™s bad to group members by randomness. Strangers vote for strangers, how do they know who to vote?
  5. I think itā€™s better that the community members have some controlling method over the triumvirate, in case they refuse to behave toward the communityā€™s vision. As an example, if those who participated in the EOS ICO have a controlling method over block.one, EOS community would not become so weak today. The selected officials can promise and refuse to deliver, each time this happened, the community will become weaker.

The official could easily be compensated to approve. 1 in 10 people and officials. So many hands make light work.

I think approaching the general culture of the people is ok. The goal is to prevent adverse selective of the less desirable social traits.

Community can be strong if empowered by inflation and all passive eos holders.

Read my book to understand the critical need for randomness. It prevents political parties from forming and taking over governance. It also leverages wisdom of crowds.

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There can be a recall process and other checks

I would strongly suggest you move away from naive democratic ideas. We donā€™t need another broken system full of not really accountable bureaucrats and politicians. You can put any kind of a make up on the pig, but it will never turn into a human.

We need you to become a leader in the current plutocratic system, unite the whales around your vision for the chain, start a proxy, nurture a healthy community culture.

I donā€™t want EOS to transform into a playground for naive people trying the same old thing and hoping for a different result. It will only steal everyone time and opportunity.


I like the approach, but wondering how raising the barrier for entry into the community would be perceived? Would we likely lose some otherwise useful and motivated members who feel a bit overwhelmed by the process, primarily because itā€™s new and different to the current social norms.

To maximise buy-in, might it be worth coming up with a game-changing EOS roadmap, elements of which can be voted on and funded by the community members? I also think this would change the way many perceive the return on inflation proposals.

Interesting. Even if you are right, a plutocracy often clothes itself in democracy to function.

I didnā€™t get into crypto to recreate what already has failed us.