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EDEN independence

Apologies again.
I write because we need our purpose in an elevator pitch.
We are building a network of people.
We are the owner-operators of a social network.
Our business model is subscription fees and FRANCHISOR fees.
I feel terrible terrible that there is personal animus or FUD, in any way. But… Knowing and seeing clearly, right where we are, is so important right now at the start.

I am pro EDEN.
I am not anti-EOS …
However, if Dan wants a tariff, then… it’s lock in.

I am not anti-tariff. I am pro pick the right platform from the start to tariff yourself into!!

I am Clarion neutral, thus far, because I have not seen them present us with a total budget estimate; and/or, ANY estimate, for services rendered thus far!!!

I think Eden will not be governing the public blockchain of EOS, anytime soon.


@daniel_keyes is a great talent with great potential and with success ahead,… But, I disagree that the purpose of EDEN is merely to distribute EOS gifted funds.

EDEN needs a business plan.

EDEN needs to execute a business plan, centered upon good governance.

I suggest that Eden can create a social network of computers, with hardware software and internet access, and collect access fees.

The fractal and Franchisor models can dovetail.

EDEN would be a Franchisor-franchisee Nodes, selling subscriptions.

We live in a Tokenized world, so EDEN Network subscribers will pay in tokens

Dan Larimer tokens is his forte, so we need to hear on the tokonomics of an Eden social network.

My question for Clarion and Dan Larimer is…

It’s a social network.

If we create an EDEN network of computers with access to a peer-to-peer social network, (and share resources on the sub-networks of friends)… Don’t we intend a gateway to the internet and interwebs (ISP connection)…

Or, should we offer a closed system social network with shared peer-to-peer computer resources?

I know that Dan’s essential answer, thus far, is that we are ** FIRST **a Progressive Web App that can be installed onto hardware and onto cell phones.

BUT, ISN’T THE ULTIMATE GOAL TO roll out internet access routers, name servers, and web servers, together with our PWA, in the name of EDEN?
Should the whole Mini-Network be built as one Minimal Viable Product? The PWA is a very glorified UI, because it can be installed and carry gRPC, peer-peer channels, etc.

It seems correct to me that we want to build a mini-Network of friends of friends computer SYSTEM, which computer network system and its governance can all be fractalized.

A glorified Google Chromecast network, which, through file system access, creates links and storage accoss mini-Networks, which together interface to the nearest full EDEN node.