EOSCommunity.org Forums

Donating to the efforts of Greymass

Many people since the founding of Greymass have asked for ways in which they can support our efforts, and traditionally we have just asked for support in the block producer voting of the networks we operate on and honest feedback.

We however have recently seen an uptick in requests for ways the community can donate directly.

While we still very much encourage voting for our block producer (teamgreymass) as the primary way to support us without a direct financial contribution, we have setup the following accounts on EOS, Telos and WAX to accept donations directly:

All donations received will be treated the same as our block producer rewards. They will go directly towards our maintaining our public infrastructure, supporting our projects, developing new software and standards, our business expenses, and most importantly paying our team members a living wage to continue chasing this passion.

Disclaimer: We make no promises of what the future holds and what our future plans are, but are trying our best to realize the full potential these networks can achieve. Any donation made is just that, a donation, and is not tied to any specific outcome, any sort of control, or direct say in the priorities of our work. The only reason you should even consider a donation is if you want to help support our organization and the work we have put in to make all EOSIO networks a success.

Want to learn more about us?

If you’d like more detailed information about the Greymass roadmap, the direction we are heading, and what we’ve achieved so far - I would invite you down the rabbit hole which starts here:


We do our best (which often isn’t enough) to keep it up to date with the latest developments from our team.

Questions? Feel free to ask.