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After anchor wallet key backup, the json cannot be recover by startwallet, tokenpocket walllet. why?

after anchor wallet key backup, the json cannot be used to recover my account by startwallet, tokenpocket walllet. why?

They use a different backup format than we do, there’s no standard between EOSIO wallets. It would require establishing some standards and getting all the wallet developers to cooperate and integrate it, which hasn’t happened (yet).

Thank for your response . recovery account by anchor json ,which will cause json to depend on a specific wallet. If the wallet cannot be used in the future, the account will not be restored for user, so this json is not decentralized.
so i think maybe this feature should be improve:

  1. if anyone can proposal this issue, and fix for on this issue by edenos fund. make backup json stardard for all eos wallet.
  2. The anchor wallet should choose the package node according to the delay time.eg, api.eosn.io, newdex etc.

I agree there’s room for improvement. I too hope we can coordinate initiatives under EdenOS to bring standards to all of the wallets and make switching between them that much easier.

For the time being though - you need to keep your private keys backed up if you want access to other wallets. If you have your private key, you can import it into any EOSIO wallet and it will work.

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anchor wallet will be better. if we can choose the package node manualy through the delay time.eg, api.eosn.io, newdex etc.