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Thoughts in-deep on EOS community governance and development (Draft Ⅶ)

Thoughts in-deep on EOS community governance and development (Draft Ⅴ) 继续讨论:

6. Cross-civilization new wealth and grassroots people’s freedom of wealth

Finally, let’s talk more deeply about what is the new wealth of cross-civilization, what are the characteristics of the new wealth of cross-civilizations, and why it allows grassroots people to realize wealth freedom on a large scale.

As shown in the figure above, we enumerate the representative types of human cross-civilization new wealth in different civilizations. Land was not wealth in the era of primitive civilization, but it became new wealth after mankind entered the era of agricultural civilization. Intellectual property rights are not wealth in the era of agricultural civilization, but only after mankind enters the era of industrial civilization, it becomes new wealth. In history, they have been cross-civilization new wealth. This new cross-civilization wealth affects no longer a country or region, but the entire world. The direct effect it brings is that global wealth gains exponential growth on the original basis, thus laying the economic foundation for the birth and development of a new civilization.

6.1 Cross-civilization new wealth attributes

For this new wealth that represents the economic characteristics of a civilized era, whether it is past cattle, sheep, land, or current intellectual property rights, it has at least three attributes.

The first characteristic is not only wealth in itself, but also the value of wealth creation. Cattle and sheep themselves can be bought and sold, and they are a kind of wealth. And through shepherding, they grow up day by day, and their wealth value also increases day by day. Land itself can also be bought and sold, and it is also wealth. By planting, breeding or renting on it, wealth value can also be created continuously. Intellectual property rights are the same. They can be bought and sold and belong to wealth. The application, authorization, and licensing of intellectual property rights create wealth value anytime and anywhere.

The second characteristic, the wealth value it embodies, is thousands of times the wealth of the old civilization. As we have seen today, the wealth value of land is undoubtedly a thousand times higher than that of cattle and sheep. The wealth value of intellectual property is undoubtedly more than a thousand times that of land. On the whole, the total value of wealth created in a year in the era of agricultural civilization must be hundreds of times higher than that in the era of primitive civilization. In the era of industrial civilization, the total value of wealth created in one year is bound to be hundreds of times higher than in the era of agricultural civilization.

The third characteristic is that its wealth value can benefit everyone. This is a kind of social wealth, and anyone can enjoy its value. This new wealth cannot be monopolized or exclusive. For example, in the era of farming civilization, anyone can own land, and even if there is no land, they can also rent or serve the land to share its value. In the era of industrial civilization, anyone can own intellectual property rights, and even if they do not have intellectual property rights, they can share their value through licensing or serving intellectual property rights.

Therefore, we can make such a definition. Cross-civilization new wealth refers to the property or assets that can be used as a production tool or means of production to continuously create value and meet human needs after human beings enter the new era of civilization. And the value is huge, and can benefit everyone’s property or assets.

From this, we should understand. Just like a computer corresponds to a typewriter, a cell phone corresponds to a telephone. Computers and mobile phones are new products, new items, and both can be called new wealth. But they are still new wealth within the category of industrial civilization, not new wealth across-civilization. Because their wealth value can be monopolized or exclusive, their value cannot benefit everyone, let alone create value continuously.

6.2 Cross-civilization new wealth characteristics of blockchain

In addition to the three general attributes of the above-mentioned, cross-civilization new wealth of blockchain has its own unique characteristics. Its characteristics are reflected in the fact that this new wealth is created from the spiritual world of people and is presented in the form of digital algorithms. Therefore, it is also called the wealth of the era of silicon-based civilization. The past cross-civilization new wealth was created based on the material world of the earth, mainly in the physical form of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is also called the wealth of the carbon-based civilization era.

The biggest connection between this feature and our ordinary people is that the new wealth of blockchain across civilizations is infinite, and there is as much as you want. And any wealth form in the past is impossible.

To understand the above concepts, we must first understand the basic concepts of modern wealth. This is what we usually call “the truth of wealth”. First of all, we must understand how modern wealth is produced, otherwise, it is difficult for us to understand the concept of infinite wealth .

6.3 The truth about modern wealth

For most people, the most difficult thing to understand and recognize is the truth of modern wealth.

Since the decoupling of the U.S. dollar from gold in 1972, modern wealth, as a wealth category, has officially entered the stage of history. The value of modern wealth is no longer determined by the cost of resources, labor, or effective labor time, but by the consensus of people.

For example, the Hermes bag. The value created by production costs such as resources, labor, or effective labor time will not exceed $500 at most. Because, the price of high-imitation Hermes bag on the market will not exceed $500 dollars. Then why can the genuine product be sold for 50,000 US dollars. Where did the $49,500 worth of extra sales come from? Everyone will say that this is its brand value. Okay, so, how does this brand value come from? It was created by advertising and publicity, allowing people to reach a consensus. Therefore, the main value of the Hermès bag is not determined by other factors, but by the consensus of people. The market price of Hermes bag fully reflects the true value of modern wealth.

The consensus of human beings to create wealth actually existed thousands of years ago. Gold and silver are typical wealth created by human consensus. Thousands of years ago, gold and silver could neither be eaten nor drunk, nor had any industrial use. With its rarity, aesthetics, resistance to corrosion, and ease of division, people have formed a consensus on value. As wealth, gold and silver came into being.

The same goes for Bitcoin today. With the rarity, non-copying, and non-tampering of encrypted numbers, people have formed a consensus on value. A new kind of digital wealth is produced. For our blockchain cross-civilization new wealth is also the same reason. For example, as long as our EOS community can consolidate and maximize global consensus, this new wealth value that we recognize can become the world’s largest wealth form. It is not restricted by any factors such as resources, energy, labor, capital, etc.

Therefore, when the new cross-civilization wealth of the blockchain becomes the mainstream form of wealth in the world, everyone in the world can theoretically realize the freedom of wealth.

(End of full text)

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