EOSCommunity.org Forums

Taxes are burdensome ... unless they make you LOTS of money in return!

We often complain about Government inefficiencies and spending – and rightfully so, a good portion of our taxes are wasted every year.

However, there are certain things that Governments do very well.

For example, from the late 50’s through the 60’s, US tax-payers paid to build the federal interstate freeway system.

At the time, many complained about the extra tax burden, and thought the $0.8 Trillion (in today’s $) outlay to be a waste.

However, most economists point to this network of extremely efficient roads, bridges & tunnels as a major contributor toward the continued financial growth and success of the United States through the subsequent six decades. In fact, it is estimated that the interstate system has returned more than $6 in economic productivity for each $1 it cost.

“What does this have to do with me or the Eden on EOS Project?”, you say.

Buy paying at little extra tax (0.25 - 0.5%) – and directing those funds to be managed and put to good use by a democratically elected board of engineers, project managers and business development professionals – the entire EOS Community of token holders can fund the projects that will help to build the EOS network (and hence token value) into one of the global leaders in programmable blockchain technologies.

For any doubters, ask them this: Is it reasonable to make the claim that the EOS main-net software projects built by the 10 to 30+ dev. teams funded by this inflation will raise the token value by more than 0.5% per annum ?

[ For example, 0.5% is from a $10.00 to $10.05 token price ]

If yes, then it has paid for itself.

Although this would be challenging to quantify, my contention is the ROI for investing in EOS software startup solutions could in fact (conservatively) provide a 5% to 20+% token price growth impact per annum [ which is a 10 - 40X return on the 0.5% inflation investment ].

This is very clearly a wise investment for EOS token holders.

Let’s go … It’s time to get to work !


Sounds great! 5% inflation, destributied to EOS holders, BPs, and community