EOSCommunity.org Forums

Some Wallet Balances not correct on Anchor Wallet 1.2.0

Hi there, first up, many thanks for providing an alternative to Scatter.

I’ve installed V1.2.0 & all is great however a couple of my wallet balances aren’t correct in the “Home” screen. For eg, my a/c 2.sqq.waa on WAX displays all zeros, & in my TLOS A/c the Rex balance displayed is a lot less than on Bloks.

This isn’t a huge issue, i’m more just wondering if there’s something i’ve not set up correctly?

Thanks again

I believe there’s a bug in 1.2.0 that’s causing this. The REX balance isn’t automatically being loaded so the numbers are off.

If you click the “Refresh All Accounts” button at the bottom I think it will show the proper balances. We need to get that part automatically loading.


Hi, have the same issue… The amount of REX is always set to 0 while on any other block explorer the value is shown correctly…

Refreshing the accounts in my case does not help…

We’ll get it fixed in the next release. Just know it’s an Anchor UI bug and if the block explorer displays the balance, it does in fact exist!

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