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Problems signing a transaction with Anchor


I have EOS tokens where EOS Authority indicates “Manual Refund Required.” When I click the “Refund” button, I’m able to connect to Anchor and sign the transaction, but then get a "
Transaction failed - transaction declares authority ‘{“actor”:“greymassfuel”,“permission”:“cosign”}’, but does not have signatures for it under a provided delay of 0 ms, provided permissions [], provided keys…" error message. I believe someone has changed my private key, but am not sure. Any way for me to figure out what has happened and/or resolve this?

This error is actually due to an older version of some of our software that EOS Authority is using.

The greymassfuel account is one that we operate, and we use to cover the resource costs of transactions for users who are in need of resources (due to a lacked amount of staked CPU/NET).

The error being returned is because this service is refusing to provide resources for that specific transaction. We only offer a set amount of free resources per-account, per-day, and when this quota is exceeded the above error message would be returned.

Is it safe to say you performed transactions within 24hours of attempting this refund? If so, I’d just recommend waiting 24 hours and then trying after the quota refreshes.

If you haven’t, I can look into why it’s rejecting your transaction. I’d just need to know the account name, which you’re free to share here or send an email over to team@greymass.com to keep it off this public message board.

Thanks for the email!

I did some looking at your account on a block explorer and it does look like your keys were changed on Feb 23rd. Did you change/update them last Tuesday?

I don’t think so and I definitely did not trigger the unstake - I assume that means someone else got my private key and changed it? And that means I’m hosed…

Sadly that sounds like it’s the case. There’s been a lot of this going on recently, did you put your seed phrase or private keys into anything recently?

I have similar problem, I’m stil in control of my account but I have this error from time to time more then I don’t. Error

transaction declares authority ‘{“actor”:“xxxxxxxxxx”,“permission”:“owner”}’, but does not have signatures for it under a provided delay of 0 ms, provided permissions [], provided keys [“EOS…”], and a delay max limit of 3888000000 ms

Plz I need some help :slight_smile:

So you’re able to perform transactions sometimes but not always?

That error generally means the keys you are using for a given account aren’t the right keys - which is why I ask if it works sometimes.

As a side note, I’d recommend you use the “Active” permission rather than the “Owner” within Anchor.

Yes it’s strange, I use to use scatter but after they gave up I IMPORTED the scatter backup to Anchor and it’s just one account that is acting strange, and I usually use Active but sometimes I switch to get the transaction through.

I also found that under “Key Management” with the Public Key for the problematic account has 0 accounts, both Owner key and Active key. That should not be 0?

Ah - the import from the Scatter backup might actually be the problem then. There are some versions of that backup that don’t work, which we haven’t been able to identity since we can’t actually just ask for peoples backups :sweat_smile:

If you have a limited number of accounts, and still have Scatter installed with the keys (or a backup of the keys elsewhere) is to remove and reimport the accounts using the private key. That should resolve the issue since it’ll more properly run through our import process and establish the accounts.

YES!! :smile: That did it, thank you for the support and a superb wallet.

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Hi, I have the same problem : {“actor”:“xxxxxx”,“permission”:“active”}’, but does not have signatures for it under a provided delay of 0 ms, provided permissions [], provided keys [“EOS…”], and a delay max limit of 3888000000 ms.

This occurs only while trying to perform my first swap. I have been able to sign stuff since I installed Anchor earlier today.

Any help ?