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Metamask on EOS

it will be on mainnet soon, it will work exactly the same as on kylin!


that’s great. can’t wait.

I can’t wait to get it out to all my non-EOS friends lol.

true story.

they’re gonna be like woah… because they’ve tried EOS and reported basically saying holysht, it’s so smooth, it’s like butter.

no kidding, I’ve got some serious defi buddies. they worked w EOS and TLOS some and were like… holysht eosio is amazing.

so this Metamask thing is gonna have a huuuuge impact there in my view BECAUSE they are totally familiar with Metamask lol.

so there you go. nice job all. #eosargentina


Great innovation!
Spreaded by EosEden Twitter!
Let’s make EOS great again!


Hi, great job!

All transactions in metamask will be signed for a chainId 95, this chainID is not used by anyone according to https://chainid.network/ , however, as a precaution we recommend using a new metamask wallet with a different seed from the one you use regularly on other networks.

  1. For someone who doesn’t know much about MetaMask, can you explain the significance of the chainID? What is the worst-case scenario risk if I use my primary MetaMask wallet?
  2. What is the relationship between the ETH address generated in Metamask and the new EOS account you mentioned? Can I somehow find my EOS account and keys?
  3. How are fees working? Could it be through the Greymass fuel mechanism?

PS - Some test tokens to my address, please :slight_smile:


It is not geting rid of the account system

It creates one on the spot

The idea is to offer the same user experience that the people is used on Ethereum

  1. Worst case scenario is that a new ETH compatible network (not yet created) start using the same chainId that we are using for Kylin (95), in that case transactions on one chain can be replayed into the other. Very unlikely scenario. ( thats why we will be locking a chainId in https://chainid.network/ when we go live in mainnet)

  2. There is a mapping between your metamask address and your (automatically created) eos account in the “account” table of the “etheraccount” smart contract. You can take a look here => (eosq: High-Precision Block Explorer)

  3. Fees will be calculated by our backend based on the transaction usage (CPU+NET+RAM), but the integration with other resource providers is on the table also.

Tokens sent to 0x0d0241D264ce216983A488F7D207Bb306457f2b8 !


Do you have a date (plus minus 1 month) when its planned to go live?


Great idea! Just set it up. Can someone send me a test transaction.?


I will say we are one month away.


Awesome news! Really look forward to playing with this and sending it out to all my trader friends. They love how smooth EOS is already. This will be a super sweetener.

Eager to see its application!

@cezarathwstp @Cryptomaster72 tokens sent!

That’s a good idea!!!
@elmato can you also send some test tokens to my address, I will test it.


About the account, if I have an eth account, you mean if someone send some eos token to this address, there will a new eos account created on the eos?
So who will do this?

To support eos in metamask, is there any work should metamask do?
Or all the works are done by the EOS argentina?

Great Idea! Just created my account on metamask, here is my address:


please send me the test token

Oh damn, can i get some test coins too?

A new account will be created on the fly that is paid by the sender (the sender will spend more gas on the first transfer to a new account).

No work needs to be done by Metamask, we are just using their already built functionality to add custom networks.

@EosToTheMoon @harrisonzhou @eosandy tokens sent!