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Error when sending BEOS Tokens

Hey Guys,

I’ve been trying to send BEOS tokens from Anchor to BTS network by using cross chain transfer option. I am getting the following error message but am not sure why as the transfer hasn’t been done.

Anchor has encountered an error

If this involved issuing a transaction on a blockchain, that action may have still processed successfully - so before trying again, please check your account history to verify whether or not the last operation succeeded.

To report this bug to the Anchor team, please use the Help > Report Bug feature and let us know the contents of the error message below.

Any help would be much appreciated.


There should be a more detailed error in the box below the error you shared. If you wouldn’t mind sharing that, it might shed some more light on the situation.

I am seeing an error on my end as well, which we’ll look to resolve in the next release. I’d just like to make sure we’re seeing the same thing:

TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'precision' of 'o.__contracts[t]' as it is undefined.
    at c.<anonymous> (file:///Applications/Anchor%20Wallet.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/renderer.main.prod.js:9:1118944)`

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘accountName’ of undefined
at Object.onChange (file:///Applications/Anchor%20Wallet.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/renderer.main.prod.js:9:1573842)
at c. (file:///Applications/Anchor%20Wallet.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/renderer.main.prod.js:9:1119099)
at fs (file:///Applications/Anchor%20Wallet.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/renderer.main.prod.js:248:48651)
at sa (file:///Applications/Anchor%20Wallet.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/renderer.main.prod.js:248:83682)
at pu (file:///Applications/Anchor%20Wallet.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/renderer.main.prod.js:248:101343)
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (file:///Applications/Anchor%20Wallet.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/renderer.main.prod.js:272:3844)
at Gr (file:///Applications/Anchor%20Wallet.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/renderer.main.prod.js:248:45121)
at fu (file:///Applications/Anchor%20Wallet.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/renderer.main.prod.js:248:97815)
at $a (file:///Applications/Anchor%20Wallet.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/renderer.main.prod.js:248:93969)
at file:///Applications/Anchor%20Wallet.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/renderer.main.prod.js:248:45412

Thanks, so we’re seeing different errors as well. I’ll take a look.

Thanks mate. So what can I do with regards to the transfers? Just wait and see what you can find?


Yeah - either that or potentially go grab an older version, which may or may not work.

Where can I get the old version?

All the old versions can be found here, you’ll just need to download the right installer for your operating system (.exe for windows, .dmg for mac, etc):

I’d probably recommend starting with 1.1.12 and see if that works:

Hey Mate,

Version 1.1.12 worked. Thanks for your help.

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