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EOSIO Private Network Setup

EOSIO enables launching highly configurable blockchain networks on which developers and entrepreneurs can run highly performant blockchain applications. Since EOS was launched in 2018 many public blockchain networks are currently also using EOSIO. Take a look at the following EOSIO network list. There are also multiple private networks currently using EOSIO.

EOSIO’s flexible architecture allows for many types of networks because most of the network’s “rules of engagement” are defined through system contracts, a set of smart contracts separated from the EOSIO core protocol. Because of this, the core functionality that validates blocks and transactions is separated from the system contracts.

Being relatively new software, there is little documentation that shows private network configuration scenarios. EOS Costa Rica set out to provide some documentation that allows the reader to configure a private network step by step, following a proposed sample topology.

If you have ever wondered how to set up a private instance of EOSIO with multiple block producer nodes here is a guide that may help you understand the steps required.
