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EOS Account not found in Anchor

Today I created an account on EOS mainnet with an address from my ledger x wallet. When I go to import the account to anchor it says it cannot be found. This is strange because I see it on the blockchain and I know it’s the right public key because I copied and pasted it from anchor to bloks.io and it does go to my account.

I do have this same public key associated with a wax account. I was told this was possible and shouldn’t be a problem.

Is this the problem? If it’s on wax it can’t be added to another chain? Did I just screw up?

Your account should be alright and I think what you’re experiencing is probably related to this bug in the EOS APIs:

This quick TLDR of what it means is that our API servers need to get restarted to pick up and see new accounts within Anchor. I’ve been trying to do this at least every day or so to pick up new accounts - but it’s a manual process right now.

It’s currently affecting API servers we’re running for:

  • EOS
  • Jungle 3

I went ahead and restarted them just a moment ago - so give it a shot now, I think it should work :+1:

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Hi Aaron,

At Effect.AI we’re looking to onboard a lot of new users to EOS using the Anchor wallet. Right now this issue appears to be a blocker, as new accounts won’t show up in the Anchor wallets of our users.

The root of the issue is clearly at the nodeos API, but I was wondering if we can have a work around until that is solved. Adding accounts manually to Anchor, or being able to promote a “Watch” account to a “Hot” account would work. Is something like that possible?

It’s on our radar to get some sort of manual import process implemented in the desktop wallet, hopefully we’ll have that soon. We’re in a bit of a holding pattern right now with desktop releases due to the renewal process of our code signing certificate and hopefully we’ll be past that hurdle here soon.

We do have a manual process built into the mobile app already for when account lookups are unsuccessful, which is what we’d like to replicate on desktop.

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A post was split to a new topic: Struggling to connect EOSAuthority and Anchor