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CPU resources lack with TREZOR wallet

is there any way with a TREZOR to buy CPU resources.? It is way too user unfriendly where it is not possible with this wallet, and I do not want to have to buy a ledger just for this. I sent a donation and use power up, but I don’t want to have to rely on donations to get resources. I at times don’t even have enough power to stake to get more resources? Thoughts?

I think you could use the Trezor to log in to bloks.io and use their tools to PowerUp yourself.

Just for reference as well, staking doesn’t really provide much resources anymore. PowerUp is the direction EOS has headed and is now the recommended way to reserve network resources.

Thanks @aaron. I try to buy resources but cannot with REX. I am sure grateful for the PowerUp - thank goodness this is an option. What would people do without this? The would not be able to move their tokens

REX is effectively disabled, it barely provides any resources and is in a similar situation to staking tokens.

PowerUp, either through a service or performing the action yourself, is the method currently being used by the network. Some of these external services make it easier to use PowerUp, but they aren’t required and you could do it yourself without any 3rd party assistance.

Thanks @aaron - which power up services are safe and recommended?

We have a list going here at the moment:

You can also just use your Trezor w/ bloks.io to power up as well:
