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Closing Term Summary of my Eden 1 Chief Delegate Fund Usage

Hello Eden and EOS,

This will be my final summary from the 1st Official Eden Election Chief Delegate spending and is my second such summary where I previously put together the group summary from the second trial election found here.

My commitment from this election was to provide a transparency service to Eden and EOS whereby I was hoping to form relationships with any and all recipients of community funds to help them be as accountable and effective with those funds as possible. Unfortunately 1 month into my term Helios happened and I was provided an opportunity to Project Manage that initiative. I say unfortunately only because this additional demand of my time made it impossible to achieve what I had initially set out to achieve for Eden. Its not really unfortunate however from the perspective of what is good for EOS and my ability to effect change within our ecosystem. From that view the creation of Helios and the opportunity for me to join the team was great news!

Regardless the following is a table summarizing the funds that I have or will receive from being a Chief Delegate:

Date Amount (EOS) Description
20-Dec-2021 2496.1099 Withdrawal from Eden Treasury
TBD 2368.9469 Withdrawal from Eden Treasury. Note this Tx included the 132 EOS from the Eden #2 L1 distribution
TOTAL 4865.0568 Total funds received as CD during Term

The following is a summary of my use of funds. Note that some transactions haven’t yet actually taken place, however this is where the funds are earmarked:

Date Amount (EOS) Description
16-Oct-2021 272.1088 40hrs of work for Eden. Details in the Summary provided. EOS price on Oct 16 - $4.41 (40hrs X $30/hr = $1,200)
23-Oct-2021 252.6316 40hrs of work for Eden. Details in the Summary provided. EOS price on Oct 23 - $4.75 (40hrs X $30/hr = $1,200)
30-Oct-2021 259.1793 40hrs of work for Eden. Details in the Summary provided. EOS price on Oct 30 - $4.63 (40hrs X $30/hr = $1,200)
6-Nov-2021 261.4379 40hrs of work for Eden. Details in the Summary provided. EOS price on Nov 6 - $4.59 (40hrs X $30/hr = $1,200)
13-Nov-2021 241.9355 40hrs of work for Eden. Details in the Summary provided. EOS price on Nov 13 - $4.96 (40hrs X $30/hr = $1,200)
9-Nov-2021 50 Deposit for Daclify msig account for Antifragile Education Pomelo Pitch. 45 EOS was pulled from this later and now sits in the antifragiled account for use there.
20-Nov-2021 45.06 Payment for EOS Bees translation of potential Eden CD website Pomelo Pitch.
20-Dec-2021 300 Donation to Korean community starting their own Eden community.
4-Feb-2022 1020.4 Payment to EOSAuthority for upgrades to their BP voter information tool, and generally for being a strong advocate of BP transparency in the ecosystem.
23-Apr2022 300 Donation to the Chinese community for starting their own Eden community. Waiting for their account to have msig permissions set before sending.
7-Apr-2022 168.67 Collecting in advance 1 yrs worth of fees to pay for hosting of Edenproxy.org website @ ~$35/mo. EOS price $2.49.
TBD 1826.5398 Remainder funds to be sent to MyvoteEOS.com campaign to promote continued dialogue and transparency with the EOS Block Producers. This will be sent to this account once its msig is set up and the remainder of the funds have been claimed from the Eden treasury.

For the first 5 weeks I was working basically 40 hours per week for Eden and EOS, and paying myself $30/hr. The following is a brief summary of what I was working on and achieved over that period:

  • CD Meeting prep (made lists, attempted to track items and progress)
  • CD Meeting thumbs, videos, uploads for this period
  • Uploaded full notes for each Eden CD meeting to go along with the video.
  • Started Pomelo pitch review video series. Recorded, edited, and published videos for EOS in a Box, Antifragile Education, Hypha DHO, Mindweb.io, Tipit.io, EOS Daily, EOS Power Network, EOS Marketing, and EnergEOS.
  • Started Eden Expansion Group to build out education materials tied to the Antifragile Education project.
  • Continued BP interview series. Recorded, edited and posted interviews for EOS Detroit, EOS Microloans, and EOS Argentina.
  • Updated EdenProxy.org BP rankings 2 times.
  • Remained active in Eden related community chat, supporting membership induction videos whenever possible, and answering questions to potential members in the public chat.

I hope this example summary is something other Eden Delegates review and consider replicating. Accountability is a big part of the Eden election process, and if Delegates don’t actually present their use of funds, how exactly are we to hold them accountable in future elections?

All the best, and of course, GO EOS!!!


Thank you so much for your hard work, Chris. You’re man of integrity, you get things done! EOS is better because you are with the community!